The Max Planck Institutes use the MPG.PuRe document server (repository) to record the publications of their scientists. The list is unfortunately only complete from the year 1998. It also contains all publications published at the former Schlitz River Station (Fluß-Station) from 1949 to its closing in 2007.

Journal Article (78)

Journal Article
Adis, J.; Scheller, U.; de Morais, J. W.; Rodrigues, J. M. G.: Abundance, species composition and phenology of Pauropoda (Myriapoda) from a secondary upland forest in Central Amazonia. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 106 (3), pp. 555 - 570 (1999)
Journal Article
DeMott, W. R.: Foraging strategies and growth inhibition in five daphnids feeding on mixtures of a toxic cyanobacterium and a green alga. Freshwater Biology 42 (2), pp. 263 - 274 (1999)
Journal Article
Polishchuk, L. V.; Tseitlin, V. B.: Scaling of population density on body mass and a number-size trade-off. Oikos 86 (3), pp. 544 - 556 (1999)
Journal Article
Steck, N.; Wedekind, C.; Milinski, M.: No sibling odor preference in juvenile three-spined sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology 10 (5), pp. 493 - 497 (1999)
Journal Article
van der Veen, I. T.: Effects of predation risk on diurnal mass dynamics and foraging routines of yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella). Behavioral Ecology 10 (5), pp. 545 - 551 (1999)
Journal Article
Vohland, K.; Schroth, G.: Distribution patterns of the litter macrofauna in agroforestry and monoculture plantations in central Amazonia as affected by plant species and management. Applied Soil Ecology 13 (1), pp. 57 - 68 (1999)
Journal Article
Voss, S.; Mumm, H.: Where to stay by night and day: Size-specific and seasonal differences in horizontal and vertical distribution of Chaoborus flavicans larvae. Freshwater Biology 42 (2), pp. 201 - 213 (1999)
Journal Article
Williams, W. D.: Salinisation: A major threat to water resources in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 4 (3-4), pp. 85 - 91 (1999)
Journal Article
Schleiter, I. M.; Borchardt, D.; Wagner, R.; Dapper, T.; Schmidt, K.-D.; Schmidt, H.-H.; Werner, H.: Modelling water quality, bioindication and population dynamics in lotic ecosystems using neural networks. Ecological Modelling 120 (2-3), pp. 271 - 286 (1999)
Journal Article
Reusch, T. B. H.; Hukriede, W.; Stam, W. T.; Olsen, J. L.: Differentiating between clonal growth and limited gene flow using spatial autocorrelation of microsatellites. Heredity 83 (2), pp. 120 - 126 (1999)
Journal Article
Reusch, T. B. H.; Boström, C.; Stam, W. T.; Olsen, J. L.: An ancient eelgrass clone in the Baltic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 183, pp. 301 - 304 (1999)
Journal Article
de Meester, L.; Weider, L. J.: Depth selection behavior, fish kairomones, and the life histories of Daphnia hyalina x galeata hybrid clones. Limnology and Oceanography 44 (5), pp. 1248 - 1258 (1999)
Journal Article
Kerfoot, W. C.; Robbins, J. A.; Weider, L. J.: A new approach to historical reconstruction: Combining descriptive and experimental paleolimnology. Limnology and Oceanography 44 (5), pp. 1232 - 1247 (1999)
Journal Article
Zwick, P.: Notes on Plecoptera (22) Rauserodes nom. n., Replacement Name for Rauserella Zwick (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Aquatic Insects 21 (3), p. 168 - 168 (1999)
Journal Article
Callil, C. T.; Junk, W. J.: Concentração e Incorporação de mercúrio por Moluscos Bivalves Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) e Castalia ambigua (Lamarck, 1819) do Pantanal de Poconé - MT, Brasil. Biociências 7 (1), pp. 3 - 28 (1999)
Journal Article
Flöder, S.; Sommer, U.: Diversity in planktonic communities: An experimental test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Limnology and Oceanography 44 (4), pp. 1114 - 1119 (1999)
Journal Article
Vohland, K.; Adis, J.: Life history of Pycnotropis tida (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Aphelidesmidae) from seasonally inundated forests in Amazonia (Brazil and Peru). Pedobiologia 43 (3), pp. 231 - 244 (1999)
Journal Article
Weider, L. J.; Hobæk, A.; Colbourne, J. K.; Crease, T. J.; Dufresne, F.; Hebert, P. D. N.: Holoarctic phylogeography of an asexual species complex. I. Mitochondrial DNA variation in arctic Daphnia. Evolution 53 (3), pp. 777 - 792 (1999)
Journal Article
Hobæk, A.; Weider, L. J.: A circumpolar study of Arctic biodiversity: phylogeographic patterns in the Daphnia pulex complex. Ambio 28 (3), pp. 245 - 250 (1999)
Journal Article
Jürgens, K.; Skibbe, O.; Jeppesen, E.: Impact of metazooplankton on the composition and population dynamics of planktonic ciliates in a shallow, hypertrophic lake. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 17 (1), pp. 61 - 75 (1999)
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