Climate Change Talk - Jakob Schweizer: The Max Planck Sustainability Network / Change management for sustainability - how to get everyone on board?

  • Datum: 09.03.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 16:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende(r): Jakob Schweizer from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg
  • For more information on the speaker, please see
  • Ort: MPI Plön
  • Raum: Lecture hall
  • Gastgeber: Jule Neumann


Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Scientists do their best to elucidate mechanisms of climate change, develop solutions for climate protection and raise awareness for matter of climate change, they also contribute to the global CO2 emissions and other environmental problems. The scientific community is in need of exchange and collaboration which often results in a very high travel activity of scientists. Regarding CO2 emissions this is of special relevance if trips are realised by flights. The ETH Zürich has estimated that around 50% of its total CO2 emissions arise from air travel of its scientists. Also other aspects of research activity have a huge negative impact on the environment: In research we consume large quantities of limited or critical resources such as energy, water, matter and we produce huge quantities of waste, which is often hazardous. Whereas many people are aware of their behaviour for the environment and even companies make efforts to lower their impact on the climate and environment, concepts for sustainability are not well established in research and academic institutions. As a consequence, scientists and other employees of the Max Planck Society have formed the new Max Planck Sustainability Network. Currently about 300 colleagues from over 60 institutes exchange experience and information in order to make their research work more earth-friendly. The presentation will give an introduction to the development of the sustainability network, topics and how to learn from each other.

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