Scientific Computing Unit
The Scientific Computing Services unit at our institute supports scientists in computationaly intensive tasks, such as high throughput data analysis and visualization or large scale dynamical simulations on high performance computing platforms. In addition, we can provide guidance for data management and application of FAIR data principles.
How may we help you today?
- Cryptic c++ compiler error messages make no sense? Let's take a look!
- Code segfaults or gives nonsense results? Here's our debugging support!
- Wonder why ++i is faster than i++? We can help you to profile and to optimize your code!
- Messed up your git repo? Rescue is here!
- Wanna spice up your software project with continuous integration & deployment (a.k.a. automated testing and documentation)? We have examples!
- Interested in using jupyter notebook and jupyter lab with cool interactive widgets?
- Run out of memory or time? Parallelization is no witchcraft!
We promote open and free software
Therefore, all our software projects are openly available to the world public via public software repositories. The main hub is the gitlab instance run by GWDG. The gitlab group mpievolbio-scicomp hosts multiple software projects developed in our unit and in collaboration with other institute members.
Please visit our project and repository sites at:
- mpievolbio-scicomp (Main development hub).
- (Sandbox projects for Department of Microbial Populations Biology)
- (A knowledgebase for pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25)
Further information on these and other projects are provided at