Max Planck Fellow Group Environmental Genomics

Publications of Michael Sieber

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Zimmermann, J.; Piecyk, A.; Sieber, M.; Petersen, C.; Johnke, J.; Moitinho-Silva, L.; Künzel, S.; Bluhm, L.; Traulsen, A.; Kaleta, C. et al.; Schulenburg, H.: Gut-associated functions are favored during microbiome assembly across a major part of C. elegans life. mBio 15 (5), e00012-24 (2024)
Journal Article
Goehlich, H.; Roth, O.; Sieber, M.; Chibani, C. M.; Poehlein, A.; Rajkov, J.; Liesegang, H.; Wendling, C. C.: Suboptimal environmental conditions prolong phage epidemics in bacterial populations. Molecular Ecology 00 (00), pp. 1 - 11 (2023)
Journal Article
Ma, Y.; He, J.; Sieber, M.; von Frieling, J.; Bruchhaus, I.; Baines, J. F.; Bickmeyer, U.; Roeder, T.: The microbiome of the marine flatworm Macrostomum lignano provides fitness advantages and exhibits circadian rhythmicity. Communications Biology 6, 289 (2023)
Journal Article
Wendling, C. C.; Lange, J.; Liesegang, H.; Sieber, M.; Poehlein, A.; Bunk, B.; Rajkov, J.; Goehlich, H.; Roth, O.; Brockhurst, M. A.: Higher phage virulence accelerates the evolution of host resistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1984), 20221070 (2022)
Journal Article
Zapién-Campos, R.; Sieber, M.; Traulsen, A.: The effect of microbial selection on the occurrence-abundance patterns of microbiomes. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 19 (187), 20210717 (2022)
Journal Article
Zapién-Campos, R.; Bansept, F.; Sieber, M.; Traulsen, A.: On the effect of inheritance of microbes in commensal microbiomes. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22, 75 (2022)
Journal Article
Traulsen, A.; Sieber, M.: Evolutionary ecology theory — microbial population structure. Current Opinion in Microbiology 63, pp. 216 - 220 (2021)
Journal Article
Obeng, N.; Bansept, F.; Sieber, M.; Traulsen, A.; Schulenburg, H.: Evolution of microbiota–host associations: the microbe’s perspective. Trends in Microbiology 29 (9), pp. 779 - 787 (2021)
Journal Article
Sieber, M.; Traulsen, A.; Schulenburg, H.; Douglas, A. E.: On the evolutionary origins of host–microbe associations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (9), e2016487118 (2021)
Journal Article
Zapién-Campos, R.; Sieber, M.; Traulsen, A.: Stochastic colonization of hosts with a finite lifespan can drive individual host microbes out of equilibrium. PLoS Computational Biology 16 (11), e1008392 (2020)
Journal Article
Esser, D.; Lange, J.; Marinos, G.; Sieber, M.; Best, L.; Prasse, D.; Bathia, J.; Rühlemann, M. C.; Boersch, K.; Jaspers, C. et al.; Sommer, F.: Functions of the microbiota for the physiology of animal metaorganisms. Journal of Innate Immunity 11 (5), pp. 393 - 404 (2019)
Journal Article
Sieber, M.; Pita, L.; Weiland-Bräuer, N.; Dirksen, P.; Wang, J.; Mortzfeld, B.; Franzenburg, S.; Schmitz, R. A.; Baines, J. F.; Fraune, S. et al.; Hentschel, U.; Schulenburg, H.; Bosch, T. C. G.; Traulsen, A.: Neutrality in the metaorganism. PLoS Biology 17 (6), e3000298 (2019)
Journal Article
Raatz, M.; Schälicke, S.; Sieber, M.; Wacker, A.; Gaedke, U.: One man's trash is another man's treasure—the effect of bacteria on phytoplankton–zooplankton interactions in chemostat systems. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 16 (10), pp. 629 - 639 (2018)
Journal Article
Raatz, M.; Schälicke, S.; Sieber, M.; Wacker, A.; Gaedke, U.: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure - the effect of bacteria on phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions in chemostat systems. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 16 (10), pp. 629 - 639 (2018)
Journal Article
Li, X.-Y.; Lachnit, T.; Fraune, S.; Bosch, T. C. G.; Traulsen, A.; Sieber, M.: Temperate phages as self-replicating weapons in bacterial competition. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 14, 20170563 (2017)
Journal Article
Frickel, J.; Sieber, M.; Becks, L.: Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a coevolving host–virus system. Ecology Letters 19 (4), pp. 450 - 459 (2016)

Working Paper (2)

Working Paper
Zimmermann, J.; Piecyk, A.; Sieber, M.; Petersen, C.; Johnke, J.; Moitinho-Silva, L.; Künzel, S.; Bluhm, L.; Traulsen, A.; Kaleta, C. et al.; Schulenburg, H.: Gut-associated functions are favored during microbiome assembly across C. elegans life. (2023)
Working Paper
Schenk, H.; Sieber, M.: Bacteriophage can promote the emergence of physiologically sub-optimal host phenotypes. bioRxiv (2019)
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