Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Erin, N.; Benesh, D. P.; Henrich, T.; Samonte, I. E.; Jakobsen, P. J.; Kalbe, M.: Examining the role of parasites in limiting unidirectional gene flow between lake and river sticklebacks. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), S. 1986 - 1997 (2019)
Paccard, A.; Hanson, D.; Stuart, Y. E.; von Hippel, F. A.; Kalbe, M.; Klepaker, T.; Skúlason, S.; Kristjánsson, B. K.; Bolnick, D. I.; Hendry, A. P. et al.; Barrett, R. D. H.: Repeatability of adaptive radiation depends on spatial scale: regional versus global replicates of stickleback in lake versus stream habitats. Journal of Heredity 111 (1), S. 43 - 56 (2019)
Piecyk, A.; Ritter, M.; Kalbe, M.: The right response at the right time: exploring helminth immune modulation in sticklebacks by experimental co-infection. Molecular Ecology 28 (10), S. 2668 - 2680 (2019)
Lipinski, S.; Petersen, B.-S.; Barann, M.; Piecyk, A.; Tran, F.; Mayr, G.; Jentzsch, M.; Aden, K.; Stengel, S. T.; Klostermeier, U. C. et al.; Sheth, V.; Ellinghaus, D.; Rausch, T.; Korbel, J. O.; Nothnagel, M.; Krawczak, M.; Gilissen, C.; Veltman, J. A.; Forster, M.; Forster, P.; Lee, C. C.; Fritscher-Ravens, A.; Schreiber, S.; Franke, A.; Rosenstiel, P.: Missense variants in NOX1 and p22phox in a case of very-early-onset inflammatory bowel disease are functionally linked to NOD2. Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies 5 (1), a002428 (2019)
Piecyk, A.; Roth, O.; Kalbe, M.: Specificity of resistance and geographic patterns of virulence in a vertebrate host-parasite system. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 80 (2019)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Piecyk, A.; Kalbe, M.; Roth, O.: Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on epidemiological traits in helminth infections of sticklebacks. Dissertation, 263 S., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2019)
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