Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Cheng, J.; Nolte, A. W.: Fast turnover of sex determination and genomic incompatibilities in hybridizing sculpins (Cottus). Aquaculture 472, S. 113 - 114 (2017)
Dennenmoser, S.; Sedlazeck, F. J.; Iwaszkiewicz, E.; Li, X.-Y.; Altmüller, J.; Nolte, A. W.: Copy number increases of transposable elements and protein-coding genes in an invasive fish of hybrid origin. Molecular Ecology 26 (18), S. 4712 - 4724 (2017)
Dennenmoser, S.; Vamosi, S. M.; Nolte, A. W.; Rogers, S. M.: Adaptive genomic divergence under high gene flow between freshwater and brackish-water ecotypes of prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) revealed by Pool-Seq. Molecular Ecology 26, S. 25 - 42 (2017)
Goedbloed, D.J.; Czypionka, T.; Altmüller, J.; Rodriguez, A.; Küpfer, E.; Segev, O.; Blaustein, L.; Templeton, A.R.; Nolte, A. W.; Steinfartz, S.: Parallel habitat acclimatization is realized by the expression of different genes in two closely related salamander species (genus Salamandra). Heredity 119 (6), S. 429 - 437 (2017)
Rodríguez, A.; Burgon, J. D.; Lyra, M.; Irisarri, I.; Baurain, D.; Blaustein, L.; Göçmen, B.; Künzel, S.; Mable, B. K.; Nolte, A. W. et al.; Veith, M.; Steinfartz, S.; Elmer, K. R.; Philippe, H.; Vences, M.: Inferring the shallow phylogeny of true salamanders (Salamandra) by multiple phylogenomic approaches. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115, S. 16 - 26 (2017)
Schwarzer, J.; Shabani, N.; Esmaeili, H. R.; Mwaiko, S.; Seehausen, O.: Allopatric speciation in the desert: diversification of cichlids at their geographical and ecological range limit in Iran. Hydrobiologia 791 (1), S. 193 - 207 (2017)
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