Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees serves as a crucial tool for public communication. Its members include influential figures from politics, business, science, culture, and the media. During an annual meeting, these members receive up-to-date information about the institute's development and the Max Planck Society. The Board of Trustees actively supports the institute in addressing societal, scientific, and political issues. Members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society. This deliberate selection process ensures a broad diversity and balanced representation of both genders within the Board of Trustees.

The members of the Board of Trustees are:  

Melanie Bernstein
Member of the German Parliament

Götz Bormann
Former Chairman of the Executive Board
Förde Sparkasse

Delara Burkhardt

Björn Demmin         
District Administrator
District of Plön

Prof. Dr Ralf-Udo Ehlers   
Former shareholder
e-nema GmbH

Kiel University

Prof. Dr Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach
Provisional President
University of Lübeck

Peter Höver
Journalist and former government spokesman

Dr Kristian Klinck
Member of the German Parliament

Tanja Köhler
Kieler Zeitung Verlags- und Druckerei KG-GmbH & Co.

Dr Ralf Neumann

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Orlemann
Managing Director
Kiel Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Mira Radünzel-Schneider
City of Plön

Prof. Dr Ulrich Schaible
Centre Director
Research Centre Borstel

Birgit Schulz
Head of Plön Section
Schleswig-Holstein University Society

Prof. Dr Ulrich Sommer
Emeritus Professor of Biological Oceanography
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Guido Wendt
State Secretary
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Culture

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