Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)
Each doctoral candidate has to have a thesis advisory committee (TAC). The committee guides the student in all aspects of her/his PhD time. It consists of three members of the IMPRS faculty members: the supervisor and usually two other members of the IMPRS faculty coming from different research groups. Hereby, one member should come from another institution/location. Participation of an additional external member is possible and also a postdoc from an IMPRS lab might be part of the TAC.
The committee meets at least once per year, starting within the first six months of commencing the thesis project. The PhD student is organizing these meetings herself/himself. She or he will provide a written report before each meeting and present his/her plans and results during a 30 min presentation, followed by a discussion. The thesis advisory committee will also make suggestions for participating in specific teaching modules that should complement the skills of the candidate.