MPI Podcast

MPI Podcasts

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Here we provide podcasts regarding some research areas of the institute.

Harnessing Evolutionary Principles To Guide AI Development with Professor Paul Rainey
In this episode, Professor Paul Rainey discusses the evolutionary principles that apply to the development of AI and the potential risks of self-replicating AI systems. more

Departure into the unknown

How do people feel after migration in their new home country?  Do migratory birds have a kind of navigation system in their genes? What happens when nomads settle down? That's what this long episode of our podcast "The Research Quartet" is about. (german)
Theoretical eco-evolutionary dynamics
Chaitanya Gokhale is a research group leader in the theoretical eco-evolutionary dynamics group at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. His lab uses theoretical biology to elucidate the associations and interactions that power emergent complexity at multiple scales. (eng) more

The Open Evolution Lab

Anja Günther, head of the Behavioural Ecology of Individual Variation research group, has studied the problem-solving behaviour of mice. Mice whose species have lived near humans for a long time solve problems better than their conspecifics. Why is that? (ger)
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