IMPRS EvolBio application poster

International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology (IMPRS EvolBio)

IMPRS EvolBio is an international graduate school dedicated to highest level research and training in all areas of contemporary evolutionary biology.

The International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology (IMPRS EvolBio) was founded in 2010 and is a joint initiative between the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research. IMPRS EvolBio comprises more than 30 faculty and 60 doctoral researchers (DRs). Current DRs originate from more than 25 countries.

As a graduate school, IMPRS EvolBio offers a doctoral program that delivers outstanding opportunities for young scientists. It provides an internationally competitive research environment with state of the art facilities. Participating groups work on a broad variety of scientific topics including molecular evolution, experimental evolution, behavioural ecology, ecological / evolutionary genetics, theoretical and mathematical biology, and major evolutionary transitions.

The program includes a training period followed by a doctoral project of three years. The DRs are mentored by their principal investigator and an individual thesis advisory committee. Training includes seminars, courses (including soft-skill courses), workshops, an annual retreat, opportunities to attend international meetings and visit collaborating laboratories. Financial support is provided throughout the program. The language of the graduate school is English. A free German language course for beginners is offered to foreign students.

We advertise doctoral positions at the beginning of the calendar year, the program usually starts in September. The positions for 2024 have been filled. The next call for applications will be in 2025.

Third party funded new positions may come up during the year. Please check our MPI landing page for advertisements or see which of our research areas are of interest to you and directly contact the responsible group leader.

If you are a motivated, career-minded, and curiosity-driven individual with a passion for evolutionary biology, then the respective principal investigator would be delighted to hear from you.

The Max Planck Society, Kiel University and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research are equal opportunity employers.


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