Journal Article (14)
Journal Article
9, 442 (2022)
Economic experiments support Ostrom's polycentric approach to mitigating climatic change. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2.
Journal Article
11, 1187 (2022)
A review of suggested mechanisms of MHC odor signaling. Biology 3.
Journal Article
44, pp. 196 - 201 (2022)
Extortion - a voracious prosocial strategy. Current Opinion in Psychology 4.
Journal Article
109, 102502 (2021)
Challenging conventional wisdom: Experimental evidence on heterogeneity and coordination in avoiding a collective catastrophic event. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 5.
Journal Article
32 (3), pp. 374 - 375 (2021)
MHC mediates social odor via microbiota—it cannot work: a comment on Schubert et al. Behavioral Ecology 6.
Journal Article
33 (1), pp. 25 - 36 (2021)
Male validation factor for three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) mate choice likely evolutionarily conserved since 50 thousand years. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 7.
Journal Article
10 (6), pp. 518 - 525 (2020)
The economic interaction between climate change mitigation, climate migration and poverty. Nature Climate Change 8.
Journal Article
11 (8), pp. 2344 - 2359 (2019)
Genome-wide genotype-expression relationships reveal both copy number and single nucleotide differentiation contribute to differential gene expression between stickleback ecotypes. Genome Biology and Evolution 9.
Journal Article
193 (3), pp. 331 - 345 (2019)
Rapid divergence of predator functional traits affects prey composition in aquatic communities. The American Naturalist 10.
Journal Article
10, 783 (2019)
Extortion strategies resist disciplining when higher competitiveness is rewarded with extra gain. Nature Communications 11.
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Female assortative mate choice functionally validates synthesized male odours of evolving stickleback river–lake ecotypes. Biology Letters 12.
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Latent toxoplasmosis and olfactory functions of Rh positive and Rh negative subjects. PLoS One 13.
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Cryptic haplotype-specific gamete selection yields offspring with optimal MHC immune genes. Evolution 14.
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27 (4), pp. 269 - 274 (2018)
Climate change: what psychology can offer in terms of insights and solutions. Current Directions in Psychological Science Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
in press (Eds. Franzen, A.; Mader, S.). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK (2021)
The collective risk social dilemma. In: Handbook of environmental sociology, Vol. 16.
Book Chapter
Gossip and reputation in social dilemmas. In: The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation (Ed. Giardini, F.). Oxford University Press (2019)
Thesis - PhD (2)
Thesis - PhD
Concomitant natural and sexual selection reveals context-dependent evolution of host resistance to parasites. Dissertation, 232 pp., School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London (2019)
Thesis - PhD
Molecular basis of ecological speciation in sticklebacks. Dissertation, 137 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2018)
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Climate extreme events and climate change are forced by extortionate free-riders - an economic experiment. (submitted)