Application procedure
Are you looking for an interesting and challenging PhD project? Are you keen to work in the field of contemporary Evolutionary Biology? Would you also like to become an active member of an international graduate school?
Then, you are more than welcome to apply to our program. Please read the following instructions carefully, prepare all necessary documents in a single pdf and apply electronically via the link provided below.
Good luck!
Well-motivated and highly-qualified students from all countries are welcome to apply. A Master of Science degree or a Diploma as well as a strong interest in Evolutionary Biology and flexibility in the research project are prerequisites for entering the program. Application deadline is on March 24, 2019.
Your application should be submitted in English and must include the following documents, please keep this order:
a) Motivation letter for applying to this program (maximum 2 pages). It should include a statement to your special evolutionary interests. Please also quote an evolutionary topic that you would like to be questioned on during the possible interview(s).
b) Curriculum vitae (CV) with personal details (including date of birth), contact address, details on exams taken (incl grades and a description on how to read them), publications (if any) and all other relevant personal information (maximum 2 pages).
c) Up to three names of academic teachers who could provide reference letters.
You do not need to include any reference letters yourself as we will ask for them in case you reached a certain level in our application procedure.
d) Preference list of three specific projects that you could imagine to work on during your possible PhD, including a short statement on the reason for your choices (maximum 1 page). Please feel free to contact the respective group leaders before you list your preferred projects.
Note that this list is not binding in case you are admitted to the program.
Here you can find the list of groups and projects, which you can apply for this year: list of projects
We assume you will be flexible regarding your choice of research project since we cannot guarantee you a place in the group of your main preference.
If you want to apply, please prepare your motivation letter, CV, names of references and preference list in this order in a single pdf document. Your filename should have this format: lastname_firstname.pdf
We only accept complete online applications using this application form:
You have to upload your prepared pdf file during the application process. After the successful application process, you will receive a confirmation mail.
If you have any further questions, please contact us by email:
Good luck! We are looking forward to receiving your application.