Publikationen des Instituts
Die Max-Planck-Institute nutzen den MPG.PuRe (Repository), um die Publikationen ihrer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu erfassen. Die Liste ist ab dem Jahr 1998 vollständig. Zusätzlich sind auch alle Publikationen der ehemaligen Aussenstelle in Schlitz (Fluß-Station) enthalten (ab 1949) bis einschließlich 2007.
Zeitschriftenartikel (4579)
601, 112044 (2025)
Compartment model of strategy-dependent time delays in replicator dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2.
380, 109369 (2025)
Deficient cell-cell cohesion is linked with lobular localization in simplified models of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). Mathematical Biosciences 3.
36 (2), araf002 (2025)
Territorial-sneaker games with non-uniform interactions and female mate choice. Behavioral Ecology 4.
00 (00), e10493 (2025)
On multiple infections by parasites with complex life cycles. Oikos 5.
87 (2), 18 (2025)
Negligible long-term impact of nonlinear growth dynamics on heterogeneity in models of cancer cell populations. Bulletin of mathematical biology 6.
35 (1), S. 43 - 54 (2025)
The rate and spectrum of new mutations in mice inferred by long-read sequencing. Genome Research 7.
23 (1), e3002952 (2025)
Chloramphenicol and gentamicin reduce the evolution of resistance to phage ΦX174 by suppressing a subset of E. coli LPS mutants. PLOS Biology 8.
18 (1), wrae191 (2025)
Pathogen non-planktonic phases within the urinary tract impact early infection and resistance evolution. The ISME Journal 9.
596, 111985 (2025)
On the misuse of evolutionary theory to bolster the ‘scientific’ case for intelligent design: A cautionary note. Journal of Theoretical Biology 10.
15 (1), jkae257 (2025)
Detection and annotation of unique regions in mammalian genomes. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11.
20, e1012644 (2024)
Properties of winning iterated prisoner’s dilemma strategies. PLOS Computational Biology 12.
16 (1), e03052-24 (2024)
A more significant role for insertion sequences in large-scale rearrangements in bacterial genomes. mBio 13.
16 (12), evae175 (2024)
Expression of random sequences and de novo evolved genes from the mouse in human cells reveals functional diversity and specificity. Genome Biology and Evolution 14.
14, e70661 (2024)
Individuality through ecology: Rethinking the evolution of complex life from an externalist perspective. PLOS Biology 15.
78 (12), S. 1916 - 1935 (2024)
Distinct patterns of genetic variation at low-recombining genomic regions represent haplotype structure. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 16.
13, RP100011 (2024)
Passive accumulation of alkaloids in inconspicuously colored frogs refines the evolutionary paradigm of acquired chemical defenses. eLife 17.
635, S. 47 - 48 (2024)
Brown-algae development joins the hourglass club. Nature 18.
00 (00), 07487304241286936 (OnlineFirst) (2024)
How light at night sets the circalunar clock in the Marine midgeclunio Marinus. Journal of Biological Rhythms 19.
22 (11), e3002913 (2024)
Stochastic models allow improved inference of microbiome interactions from time series data. PLOS Biology 20.
8 (5), S. 647 - 657 (2024)
Juvenile mortality and sibling replacement: a kin selection approach. Evolution Letters