Open projects 2025

Open projects 2025

January 06, 2025

The IMPRS EvolBio annual call for doctoral positions is open until January 26, 2025.

The Principal Investigators will be available for any questions before submission.

The following projects are offered within the graduate school in 2025:


Julien Dutheil 1: Efficient and robust inference of (and with) the ancestral recombination graph (ARG)

Markéta Kaucká 1: Cell type evolution

Markéta Kaucká 2: Evolution of developmental programs

Arne Traulsen 1: Evolutionary game theory/evolutionary dynamics

Arne Traulsen 2: Modelling the origins of organismic complexity at the onset of multicellular life

Neda Barghi 1: Genetic and adaptive architecture of polygenic traits

Andrew Farr 1: Promoter activity as a source of mutagenesis in Bacteria

Andrew Farr 2: Experimental measurement of factors that limit “Pan-resistance”

Paul Rainey 1: Toward understanding a complex multicellular behaviour in Pseudomonas

Hildegard Uecker (outside IMPRS selection): Modeling parasite epidemics in host populations with symbiont-mediated immunity

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