Zeitschriftenartikel (46)
78 (12), S. 1916 - 1935 (2024)
Distinct patterns of genetic variation at low-recombining genomic regions represent haplotype structure. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 2.
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Could bi-axial orientation explain range expansion in a migratory songbird? Journal of Avian Biology 3.
291 (2016), 0232308 (2024)
Adaptive evolution and loss of a putative magnetoreceptor in passerines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 4.
16 (1), evad233 (2024)
Fine-scale map reveals highly variable recombination rates associated with genomic features in the European blackcap. Genome Biology and Evolution 5.
7 (6), S. 401 - 412 (2023)
Structural genomic variation and migratory behavior in a wild songbird. Evolution Letters 6.
10, 787 (2023)
Birds of a feather flock together: a dataset for Clock and Adcyap1 genes from migration genetics studies. Scientific Data 7.
98 (4), S. 1051 - 1080 (2023)
Time trees and clock genes: a systematic review and comparative analysis of contemporary avian migration genetics. Biological Reviews 8.
226 (10), jeb245441 (2023)
Lost: on what level should we aim to understand animal navigation? The Journal of Experimental Biology 9.
11, 982443 (2023)
Sex-specific changes in autosomal methylation rate in ageing common terns. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
14, 232 (2023)
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles across 580 animal species. Nature Communications 11.
13, 16471 (2023)
The blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) genome reveals a species-specific accumulation of LTR retrotransposons. Scientific Reports 12.
8 (29), S. 26425 - 26436 (2023)
Mutational study of the tryptophan tetrad important for electron transfer in European robin cryptochrome 4A. ACS Omega 13.
19, 20220478 (2023)
Naive songbirds show seasonally appropriate spring orientation in the laboratory despite having never completed first migration. Biology Letters 14.
12, 7947 (2022)
Population-specific association of Clock gene polymorphism with annual cycle timing in stonechats. Scientific Reports 15.
126, S. 4623 - 4635 (2022)
Computational reconstruction and analysis of structural models of avian cryptochrome 4. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 16.
27 (3), S. 127 - 139 (2021)
Endless skies and open seas – how birds and fish navigate. Neuroforum 17.
529 (12), S. 3222 - 3246 (2021)
As above, so below: whole transcriptome profiling demonstrates strong molecular similarities between avian dorsal and ventral pallial subdivisions. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 18.
30 (15), S. 3641 - 3644 (2021)
The time is ripe for functional genomics: Can epigenetic changes mediate reproductive timing? Molecular Ecology 19.
27, S. 2715 - 2727 (2021)
Human activity shapes the wintering ecology of a migratory bird. Global Change Biology 20.
16 (12), e0260812 (2021)
Demographic profiles and environmental drivers of variation relate to individual breeding state in a long-lived trans-oceanic migratory seabird, the Manx shearwater. PLoS One