Zeitschriftenartikel (26)
34, S. 2118 - 2132 (2024)
Full-length RNA transcript sequencing traces brain isoform diversity in house mouse natural populations. Genome Research 2.
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Food quality influences behavioural flexibility and cognition in wild house mice. Scientific Reports 3.
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Deep divergences among inconspicuously colored clades of Epipedobates poison frogs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 4.
211, S. 69 - 80 (2024)
Short- and long-term effects of endogenous cortisol on personality traits and behavioural syndromes. Animal Behaviour 5.
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Shifts in energy allocation and reproduction in response to temperature in a small precocial mammal. BMC Zoology 6.
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Two decades of wildlife rehabilitation in Greece: Major threats, admission trends and treatment outcomes from a prominent rehabilitation centre. Journal for Nature Conservation 7.
26, S. 997 - 1009 (2023)
Stressfulness of the design influences consistency of cognitive measures and their correlation with animal personality traits in wild mice (Mus musculus). Animal Cognition 8.
129 (1), S. 33 - 46 (2023)
Photoperiod influences the development and the expression of personality traits and social behaviour in wild cavies (Cavia aperea). Ethology 9.
13, 12064 (2023)
Background matching through fast and reversible melanin-based pigmentation plasticity in tadpoles comes with morphological and antioxidant changes. Scientific Reports 10.
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Does good food make male mice sexy? The influence of diet on male sexually selected traits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11.
26 (1), S. 99 - 110 (2023)
Fast adjustment of pace‐of‐life and risk‐taking to changes in food quality by altered gene expression in house mice. Ecology Letters 12.
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Does living in human-altered environments affect life-history and personality of wild mice? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 13.
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Lifetime observation of cognition and physiological parameters in male mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14.
32 (3), S. 500 - 507 (2021)
Fitness consequences of seasonally different life histories? A match–mismatch experiment. Behavioral Ecology 15.
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Enhanced problem-solving ability as an adaptation to urban environments in house mice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 16.
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City mice and country mice: innovative problem solving in rural and urban noncommensal rodents. Animal Behaviour 17.
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Environmental effects on the covariation among pace‐of‐life traits. Ethology 18.
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Individual personality does not predict learning performance in a foraging context in female guppies, Poecilia reticulata. Animal Behaviour 19.
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Zebra finches bi-directionally selected for personality differ in repeatability of corticosterone and testosterone. Hormones and Behavior 20.
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Reproduction affects immune defenses in the guinea pig even under ad libitum food. PLoS One