Emeritus Gruppe Tautz

Publikationen von Wing Y. Ngan

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Khomarbaghi, Z.; Ngan, W. Y.; Ayan, G. B.; Lim, S.; Dechow-Seligmann, G.; Nandy, P.; Gallie, J.: Large-scale duplication events underpin population-level flexibility in bacterial tRNA gene copy number. Nucleic Acids Research 52 (5), S. 2446 - 2462 (2024)
Raval, P. K.; Ngan, W. Y.; Gallie, J.; Agashe, D.: The layered costs and benefits of translational redundancy. eLife 12, e81005 (2023)
Rao, S.; Ngan, W. Y.; Chan, L. C.; Sekoai, P. T.; Fung, A. H. Y.; Pu, Y.; Yao, Y.; Habimana, O.: Questioning the source of identified non-foodborne pathogens from food-contact wooden surfaces used in Hong Kong's urban wet markets. One Health 13, 100300 (2021)
Ngan, W. Y.; Rao, S.; Chan, L. C.; Sekoai, P. T.; Pu, Y.; Yao, Y.; Fung, A. H. Y.; Habimana, O.: Impacts of wet market modernization levels and hygiene practices on the microbiome and microbial safety of wooden cutting boards in Hong Kong. Microorganisms 8 (12), 1941 (2020)
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