The Max Planck Institutes use the MPG.PuRe document server (repository) to record the publications of their scientists. The list is unfortunately only complete from the year 1998. It also contains all publications published at the former Schlitz River Station (Fluß-Station) from 1949 to its closing in 2007.

Thesis - PhD (198)

Thesis - PhD
Skrabar, N.: Phenotypic variability and genetic architecture of limbs in populations and strains of the house mouse (Mus musculus). Dissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Keshavarz, M.: Analysis of candidate genes for behavioral differences in mice. Dissertation, 155 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Bernardes, J.: Heterosis in yeast hybrids. Dissertation, 136 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Hindersin, L.: The effect of graph structure on the dynamics of a stochastic evolutionary process. Dissertation, 105 pp., University of Lübeck, Lübeck (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Huang, Y.: Combining genomics and transcriptomics to study adaptation to lake and river habitats in three-spined sticklebacks. Dissertation, 116 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Gahr, C.: Molecular basis of ecological speciation in sticklebacks. Dissertation, 137 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2018)
Thesis - PhD
Krebs-Wheaton, R.: The influence of personality on territory use and fitness in western house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Dissertation, 142 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Moltzau Anderson, J.: On the role of microbial resilience in intestinal inflammation. Dissertation, 137 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Ayan, G. B.: Using experimental evolution to evaluate diversification of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 in complex environments. Dissertation, 102 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Erin, N.: Multiple ecological scales of host-parasite interactions using the three-spined stickleback and Schistocephalus solidus model system. Dissertation, 250 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Vallier, M.: Characterization of pathogen-driven selection at B4galnt2 in house mice. Dissertation, 211 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Hagel, K.: Cooperation in social dilemmas. Dissertation, 117 pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (2017)
Thesis - PhD
Bakarić, R.: Genomics of Gene Gain and Gene Loss in Eukaryotes. Dissertation, 295 Seiten pp., Kiel University, Kiel (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Belheouane, M.: Analysis of the skin microbiota in house mice using genetic, evolutionary and ecological approaches. Dissertation, 228 pp., Kiel University, Kiel (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Ellendt, S.: Environmental and genetic determinants of bacterial microbiota and parasites associated with Cottus across natural hybrid zones. Dissertation, 125 Seiten pp., Kiel University, Kiel (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Frickel, J.: Eco-evolutionary dynamics in host-virus systems. Dissertation, 121 Seiten pp., Plön (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Li, X.-Y.: Applying evolutionary game theory in modeling life history evolution and bacterial population dynamics. Dissertation, 151 Seiten pp. (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Koch, H.: Evaluating the significance of predator-prey interactions for the evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction. Dissertation, 116 Blätter pp., Kiel University, Kiel (2016)
Thesis - PhD
Bozdag, G. O.: Genetic and evolutionary analysis of diversification and reproductive isolation in yeast. Dissertation, 128 Seiten pp., Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel (2015)
Thesis - PhD
Kowallik, V.: The natural ecology of Saccharomyces yeasts. Dissertation, 138 Blätter pp. (2015)
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